The Project

These two manuals - The Latter-Day Saint Woman, Part A & Part B - contain "lessons related to basic gospel principles and the responsibilities of Latter-day Saint women." ("Introduction," The Latter-day Saint Woman: Basic Manual for Women, Part A, (2000)) To this end, they were chosen to undertake a lengthy but hopefully worthwhile project. One of the pillars of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the perfecting of saints. With the understanding that I am far from perfect and that faith is not a stagnant thing (meaning that it is in constant movement, either increasing or decreasing), I have undertaken the challenge to work through these two manuals in the hopes that my faith may be increased and that I may grow closer to my Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

I invite you to join me in my challenge, which may be through reading this blog, the manuals or in active personal participation in the same challenge. Things won't go perfectly but that's the divine nature of our lives.

Best of luck (to us both)!